Thursday, March 31, 2016

Get Ready For Suddenly

A few years ago the Lord spoke to me and said: “Son GET READY FOR SUDDENLY.” The suddenly of God seems to be something we are hearing quite a bit about these days. Prophetically God is speaking through many vessels about His suddenlies.

“And even as things are changing all around you, you will notice that it will just seem like a snap of a finger, and things will suddenly change… And lo and behold you won’t know where it came from or how it came, but all of a sudden, YOU’RE GOING TO BE IN YOUR DESTINY! For this year suddenly happens to you! And all of a sudden you’re going to realize that YOUR DESTINY HAS COME UPON YOU.” Prophesied By Michael Fram

“This is the year that leaders who have opposed Me are going to suddenly die.” Prophesied By Cindy Jacobs

“Things that now look impossible and unchangeable will suddenly turn around.” Prophesied By Kenneth Copeland

There are even new revelations coming to me from familiar Scriptures that God has been showing me regarding suddenly:

“Behold, I am going to send My messenger, and he will clear the way before Me. And the Lord whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight, behold He is coming, says the Lord of hosts.” Malachi 3:1 NASB

“I declared the former things long ago and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them. Suddenly I acted and they came to pass. Isaiah 48:3 NASB

Acts 3:21 refers to the time we are currently living in. A period called: “The Restoration Of All Things”. This is the time just before the Lord’s return. That is why we are seeing the strong emphasis by the Spirit of God that we are seeing on the Apostolic and Prophetic offices that we are seeing in our day. But they are not the only things being restored to ‘The Church’. The Suddenlies of God are also being restored.

There are 3 occurrences in the Book of Acts where it says that God moved Suddenly. If we look at these 3 occurrences I believe there are some conclusions we can draw about what happens when God moves Suddenly.

“And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2 NASB

“And it came about that as he journeyed, he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him.” Acts 9:3 NASB

“And suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains were unfastened.” Acts 16:26 NASB

Here are the 3 common things we see as we examine these 3 occasions where God moved Suddenly:

1. When God Moved Suddenly It Was Surprising.
2. When God Moved Suddenly It Was Supernatural.
3. When God Moved Suddenly It Was Sovereign.

·         In all 3 occasions…they were Surprised.
o   The word for Suddenly in the Greek in all 3 texts, besides suddenly also means: Unexpected or Unaware.
o   In all 3 texts they were not expecting what occurred to occur.
o   A great Modern Day example would be the cessationist theologian, Dr. Jack Deere, who taught the cessation doctrine at Dallas Theological Seminary until as he wrote in his book he was: “Surprised By The Power Of the Spirit”.
·         In all 3 occasions…God moved Supernaturally.
o   On the Day of Pentecost: Rushing Mighty Wind, Cloven Tongues of Fire, First Manifestation of Tongues.
o   Paul on the road to Damascus: Light from Heaven, Voice from Heaven, No one else was blind but Paul.
o   The Philippian Jail: The Earthquake, Everyone’s chains fall off, Nobody tries to escape.
·         In all 3 occasions…God moved Sovereignly.
o   It seems that this is a lost doctrine by many in our day.
o   God’s supreme rule and authority in Heaven, on earth, and in hell, to do what He wants, when He wants, to whomever He wants, because He is God.
o   On the Day of Pentecost: God moved when he wanted to, not when they wanted Him to. They had already waited in the upper room for ten days.
o   Paul on the road to Damascus: God alone decided to manifest Himself to Paul. Paul had nothing to do with it.
o   The Philippian Jail: God being pleased by Paul and Silas’ sacrifice of praise moved sovereignly.

If God moved Suddenly in the Book of Acts, we should expect Him to move Suddenly in our day as well. Get ready for God: to SURPRISE you, by moving SUPERNATURALLY, in His SOVEREIGNTY once again, with greater magnitude than before…GET READY FOR SUDDENLY!

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